Totally OT: Quantum Mechanics proof for the existence of a Supreme Conciousness?

Sergey Gromov snake.scaly at
Sat Feb 16 08:28:47 PST 2008

Craig Black <cblack at> wrote:
> I apologize for the inappropriate post, but I read this material last night 
> and am still buzzing about it.  I just have to share it.  I personally am an 

I had a funny idea for some time already, that the weird laws of quantum 
mechanics could be a consequence of a finite precision of hardware 
running our Universe.  I'm not a math geek at all, but it could be 
interesting to try and figure out which pecularities would a digital 
mind observe while trying to measure distances less than real.epsilon, 
or to measure time less than frame duration.  Would they possibly 
formulate an uncertainty principle ?

And, most importantly, this is much closer to the topic than The 
Ultimate Mind Hypothesis. :D


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