Feature Request - Raw HTML in ddoc comments
Janice Caron
caron800 at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 23 03:20:00 PST 2008
On 23/02/2008, Robert Fraser <fraserofthenight at gmail.com> wrote:
> Janice Caron wrote:
> > What I'm talking is real documentation, like, actual instruction
> > manuals - tutorials, fifty or a hundred pages long, or more when
> > printed. Think "std.whatever For Dummies". A whole book. There is no
> > way I want to write a whole book in ddoc, and /for that purpose/, a
> > wysiwyg editor wouldn't be a bad thing.
> Why does your 50-to-100-page manual need to be in the same file as your
> code?
It doesn't, but (a) since ddoc can be converted to all those other
formats, it makes sense to use ddoc as an intermediate format in any
case, and (b) there's an in-between. A document two or three pages
long is reasonable to include in the embedded comments, and yet would
still be complex enough not to want to hand code it.
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