D slower than C++ in compile time

Frank Benoit keinfarbton at googlemail.com
Sun Feb 24 10:47:20 PST 2008

Frank Benoit schrieb:
> Gregor once explained why build tools need to call DMD once per file:
> http://www.digitalmars.com/webnews/newsgroups.php?art_group=digitalmars.D&article_id=57473 
> This makes dsss look like it is slow, but actually this is a concequence 
> of a DMD workaround.
> For the DWT library this would lead to compile times >15 minutes!
> In the past I found the compile times always a big argument for D. 
> Hopefully this point gets attention at digitalmars ;)

This bugzilla bug can happen if oneatatime is 'off'.

Using dsss with oneatatime=off and -full sometimes works around it.

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