std.complex MAY I REMIND YOU?
Matti Niemenmaa
see_signature at for.real.address
Mon Feb 25 11:42:09 PST 2008
JMNorris wrote:
> Matti Niemenmaa <see_signature at for.real.address> wrote in
> news:fptoso$24mc$1 at
>> seems to be a good
>> summary.
> This is a good summary of the advantages of making complex a core type. I
> thought Walter was saying that compiler advances are erasing those
> advantages, and that is why it complex numbers will no longer be a core
> type. But that is what I don't understand.
Well, it appears to be all about optimization: everything else can be done in a
library. Some "syntactical aesthetics" will be lost, but nothing else should be.
So all it really takes is a compiler smart enough to optimize the operations on
complex numbers, which I guess is what Walter meant when he mentioned "compiler
advances" --- compilers these days are smarter, especially when it comes to
optimization, than they used to be.
E-mail address: matti.niemenmaa+news, domain is iki (DOT) fi
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