static try catch construct would be helpful

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Feb 25 19:55:15 PST 2008

When plugging types together sometimes you find this one is missing a 
member or that one defines it in a different way than you expect or 
maybe a function with some signature isn't supported.

What you'd like to do is say "compile this block if you can -- otherwise 
leave it out"  It's like try-catch, but compile-time.
Except you don't really want a 'catch'.  It's more like an 'else'.  So I 
propose a new form of static:

    static if {
       // some code
    } else static if {
       // other code
    } else {
       // last resort code

The idea is: if "some code" compiles, then use that, otherwise try 
"other code", and finally if none of the other code blocks compiles, use 
the else block.

And of course it could be mix-n-matched with regular static if()'s.

Here's a motivating example taken from real code where I was wrapping 
one struct with another.  The Inner type may or may not support a 
particular signature of the "doSomething" function.

struct Outer(Inner)
    void doSomething(int a, int b, int c, int d)
       // do something else here


    Inner _inner;

Currently, the best way I've found to conditionalize that is:

    static if(is(typeof(_inner.doSomething(1,1,1,1)))) {
    void doSomething(int a, int b, int c, int d)
       // do something else here

Maybe there's a better way to write that one.. I'm not sure.  But the 
signature of the thing that may or may not exist can be arbitrarily 
complex.  It becomes difficult to think of an is-expression that can 
test for what you want.   You can probably break out the test into a 
separate template and make it so you can do
     static if(is(DoSomeCheck!(....))
but writing that DoSomeCheck is annoying too and starts to clutter your 
source with lots of one-off gobbledy gook templates.

I think "argument-less static if blocks" would handle such cases nicely.

There's a slight issue in that it could be pretty hard to debug with 
compiler errors being silently ignored, but that happens currently with 
the expressions inside "static if(is(...))" already.


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