John Reimer
terminal.node at
Sun Jan 6 21:46:12 PST 2008
On Mon, 07 Jan 2008 07:57:59 +0800, Alan Knowles wrote:
> ...snip...
>>> --bb
>> I created a new directory containing the example program and a dsss
>> config file. The config file contained the line that you gave me. When
>> I executed dsss build, the compiler threw a number of undefined
>> reference errors. I'm pretty sure that the program needs to be linked
>> against a library to compile. Unfortunately I don't names or locations
>> of these libraries.
> Gtkd uses dlopen() at startup to load all the associated libraries, so
> you dont have to have them available when you build. The only thing you
> need is the resuling libgtkD.a file (created from building gtkd)
> Looks like the docs are pretty out of date.
> compd is the best way to build gtkD stuff, as it's how the developers do
> stuff...
> -Isrc:LOCATIONOFYOURCODE:/usr/src/gtkD/src -c -g
> -I/usr/src/dmd/src/phobos
> gcc /tmp/YOURCODENAME.o -o YOURAPP -m32 -L.. -L.
> -L/usr/src/dui/gtkD -lstdc++ -lphobos -lgtkd -ldl -g -m32 -lphobos
> -lpthread -lm
> Should get you going.
> Regards
> Alan
Actually, we're working to get things working smoothly with dsss too.
But part of the problem with dsss is that some users of it do not "follow
the rules" or are confused about what rules they must follow (or they
don't read the installation instructions); this tends to cause
conflicts. And then sometimes, it really is dsss' fault, or the config
script it uses. I use dsss pretty much exclusively now while developing
dsss is really one of those "exclusive" tools. That is, if you want it
to work, you should be using in exclusively or you may end up with wierd
configuration conflicts.
compd is still in there (gktd project) for those that use it... but it's
not well documented, which is one reason that makes it less attractive to
llee, if you need some more help, you can post on the gtkd forums in
dsource. We can probably help you sort things out better there.
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