The motivation for const (the big picture)

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Jan 7 14:03:29 PST 2008

Walter Bright wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Some of those FAQs need updating:
>> * Why doesn't D have an interface to C++ as well as C?
>> * Why cannot D code directly call existing C++ code?
>> Both should mention D2.0's C++ interfacing capabilities. (with link to 
>> here
> Done.

One more thing:
"Doesn't C++ support strings, bit arrays, etc. with STL?"..."How much 
confidence can you have that this [std::string] is all working 
correctly, how do you fix it if it is not?"

The "how do you fix it?" argument applies even moreso to a built-in 
implementation of string than a library one.  So I'd strike that bit.


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