Translate C++ to D

doob doobnet at
Fri Jan 11 06:11:43 PST 2008

Luca Lupo wrote:
> So, I have converted the -> with the . , but I must make this also for:
> example:
> Observer::~this(){} ??? :: no, but .??
> And Exit the cout in D?? or I must import some library??
> Thanks

You don't write classname::function, you put all the functions in the 
class like this:

class Observer
		// do something

	foo (int i)
		// do something else

But if you want to access a static function you replace the two colons 
with a dot like:


"And Exit the cout in D?? or I must import some library??" what do you mean?
You write to the standard output in D like this:

import std.stdio;

void main ()
	writefln("Hello D World"); // adds a new line

Again, look at the language specification and also the phobos (the 
standard library) link

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