Documentation comments - /// feature request

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Mon Jan 21 07:47:01 PST 2008

"Unknown W. Brackets" <unknown at> wrote in message 
news:fn1jah$2nkh$1 at
> I'm a fan of the C# style of documentation comments, that is like this:
> /// Summary.
> ///
> /// Some longer description of the function being documented.
> ///
> /// Params:
> ///    foo =     a number, most possibly 42.
> ///
> /// Returns:     a random number based on the answer to the question
> ///              of life, the universe, and everything.
> It seems to me this was once supported, although ddoc.html has always 
> listed "///" as a single line documentation comment.
> Is there any chance of parsing the above?  I can't really see any reason 
> why two ///'s in a row would be parsed differently.  Right now blank lines 
> are inserted in between each line of the comments.

I think it's just a bug. 

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