Polishing D - suggestions and comments
Guillaume B.
guillaume.b.spam at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 27 10:51:25 PST 2008
Sean Kelly wrote:
> I agree with this. Fortunately, the documentation is improving, aided
> partially by work done on the book. However, if you or anyone else has
> suggestions on how it might be further improved or are interested in
> writing tutorials/examples/whatever, please let us know. This is one
> area where it's easy for people to contribute without worrying about
> coding standards, etc.
I've started using Tango recently and I like most of it. What's really
confusing for me is all the IO stuff: I'm never really sure of the
relationship between Conduit, Stream, ... I thought about one thing that
could help: in the API documentation, it would help a lot if there where
more links. For example, in tango.sys.Process, Process.stdout returns a
PipeConduit. But there is no link on PipeConduit that would bring me to the
page describing this class... So, I have to guess where it could be from
the API index... Once I found that it's within tango.sys.Pipe, I see "class
PipeConduit : tango.io.DeviceConduit.DeviceConduit"... Again, there is no
link so I have to return to the API index to find where DeviceConduit is
defined (it's easy in this case)... With all this back and forward, it's
hard to find what your looking for.
It would also help if the API could be searched... The search on the site
searches the whole wiki... And it doesn't seem really good: I know there
must be a "trim" function somewhere but searching the wiki doesn't show
that it's within tango.text.Util...
Searching "site:http://dsource.org/projects/tango/docs/current/ trim" with
Google does a much bether job... But the best would be an API search a
little bit like http://www.gotapi.com/ : you type function names or classes
and it shows the result in real time...
So those where my suggestions...
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