Descent and gotoapi

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at
Sun Jan 27 22:47:41 PST 2008

Kris wrote:
> "Robert Fraser" <fraserofthenight at> wrote in message 
> news:fnjt4u$2t5p$1 at
>> Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>>> The API provided by Descent includes top level members like classes, 
>>> structs, functions, templates, etc. For each of these you can get a lot 
>>> of information also, like which is the base class of a class, and which 
>>> interfaces it implements, or which is the return type of a method and the 
>>> types of the parameters, etc. (though this functionality is only present 
>>> in the trunk revision, not in 0.4).
>>> So writing a plugin that generates the files required by gotoapi should 
>>> be very, very simple. No changes are required in Descent. :-)
>>> If anyone is interested in doing it, I can give help on how to write an 
>>> Eclipse plugin, and which are the important classes/packages needed to do 
>>> it.
>>> Kris escribió:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Guillaume mentioned the "gotoapi" on another thread. Seems like a useful 
>>>> resource for D libraries too, and can be customized here: 
>>>> My questions is this: since Descent can internally infer the public API 
>>>> of a D library, could it be adjusted to also generate the kind of XML 
>>>> tagging required by gotoapi?
>>>> - Kris
>> Actually, I can take a break from the unit test stuff (that's not useful 
>> without a builder anyway) and work on a documentation generation system 
>> that has interlinks. Would it be more useful to have that or the gotapi?
> Descent is the best! :)
> Interlinked doc would likely be more valuable to Tango at this time, since 
> it can presumeably be hosted anywhere? But it's your call. I guess there 
> might be more "presentation" style effort in the interlinked stuff, while 
> gotoapi would be free of such concerns?
> - Kris 

I was thinking that I would generate docs as closely to the Ddoc format 
as possible (including parsing macros & all that good stuff). But the 
gotapi might still be useful since everything is listed and searchable, 
right? I think the gotapi thing is better as a separate plugin, though.

We should move this convo to IRC, but if I did that, my chances of 
finishing my homework would be shot for tonight.

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