Windows console is broken

Sergey Gromov snake.scaly at
Thu Jan 31 09:20:35 PST 2008

Vladimir Panteleev Wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 01:30:48 +0200, Sergey Gromov <snake.scaly at> wrote:
> > If a command-line argument to a D program contains a non-ascii
> > character, that argument doesn't get into main().
> If I understood your problem correctly, here's a workaround:
> import, std.string;
> import std.file;
> void main(char[][] args)
> {
>         // convert from MBS (Windows ANSI encoding) to UTF-8
>         foreach(ref arg;args)
>                 arg = fromMBSz(toStringz(arg));
>         write(args[1], "Hello international world!");
> }

Unfortunately, there is no workaround:

import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
    writeln("Number of arguments to main: ", args.length);

>example ÜÐÜÐ ßÐßÐ
Number of arguments to main: 1

>example mother father
Number of arguments to main: 3

You can do nothing about arguments which are not there.


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