const challenge
Jason House at
Thu Jan 31 11:44:09 PST 2008
Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:
> I believe that there is always a way to redesign your thinking to have const
> work. If you have a const widget and need to have it draw itself, pass in
> the non-const values needed to do the drawing. Or if you absolutely have to
> have a structure with a draw routine that doesn't take the argument of the
> thing to draw it on, then create a wrapper structure that isn't const but
> contains the const widget. Or change your widget so the data you want to
> remain const is declared const. It's hard to speculate without seeing the
> actual code, but I believe it's possible to solve.
That's the whole point of my challenge. I'd like to see people post their real code and have others tack a whack at redesigning them. Maybe we'll see it's easy and there's a general method that should go into an FAQ. Or maybe there's a few corner cases that are tough to solve. Either way, we're smarter about the pros and cons of our (now stable?) const design.
> I think the transitive const debate has died down. I still believe the
> head-const debate is very much alive, and I'm prepared to argue my side if
> anyone should challenge that validity. Last I checked, nobody had refuted
> my points that head-const for a class was possible and useful :)
What I have nagging me in the back of my mind is if there should be ways to break transitive const with an instance of head const... such as access to a logging utility, a raster for drawing images, etc... I would like to put that to rest. All my current coding is in D 1.x. I'd love to see active (C++?) const coders to post problematic cases. In the end, I'd like to see a final blessing of D's const and have stuff like Tango finally start using it (so I can then port my code that depends on Tango to D 2.x)
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