DMD back end dev-kit
nospam at
Thu Jul 3 02:58:16 PDT 2008
John Reimer wrote:
> Hello Christopher,
>> Robert Fraser wrote:
>>> It appears I have been officially "pwned" here. You & Bill are right;
>>> GDC/LLVMDC isn't sufficient.
>> Or we could politely ask Walter to switch to llvm or gcc for the
>> backend for dmd. Hey, he actually changed opEquals to bool...
> Similar has been suggested on several occasions. If you take a peek at
> previous postings in this group on the topic you will see his answer
> which invariably is "no" with a short explanation about "tainting" (or
> something similar). He doesn't want to look at any other compiler code
> (opensource or otherwise). It's a self-imposed rule to simplify his
> defense in any potential legal disputes, as I understand it, since he
> appears to still be in the compiler business.
> This is completely understandable, but I think it hampers D's progress
> to some degree. I'm not so sure we can ever get the backend by slapping
> down some money, but I'd agree that it would be great if something were
> done... moving to an opensource backend of one sort or another would be
> extremely good for D.
> Whether or not our request is successful, the statement made here (about
> the donation) at least expresses how important it is to this community
> to see an active opensource backend as part of the reference compiler.
> But we probably shouldn't get our hopes up too much: the issue hasn't
> budged one iota for quite a long time. Yet, you never know. :)
IIRC, earlier this year, Walter said he was still trying to get it
released, and did expect to be successful eventually.
I doubt that the problem has much to do with money. Murky legal issues
could well be a major part of it. I recently got some code from my
university days open-sourced, and it was extremely painful and slow --
even after getting in-principle agreement from *everyone* who could
possibly be a copyright owner, none of them were certain that they had
authority to approve its release.
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