Unofficial wish list status.(Jul 2008)
Me Here
p9e883002 at
Fri Jul 4 21:23:19 PDT 2008
superdan wrote:
> i'll tell you what's a red herring: everything you say. your knowledge is
> obsolete by decades. you have no idea what you are talking about yet you try
> to defraud us by using cockiness. you even have the nerve to criticize walter
> and andre. tell you what. walter's brown underwear and andreis dirty socks
> with holes in'em know more shit than you. i'll leave it to sean to serve you
> your arrogant ass on a silver plate.
Hey tweety-pie. How about you get back to sucking your mother's nipple. It'll
give you something useful to do with that foul mouth and perhaps calm that
overexcited brain of yours. There is nothing, I repeat *NOTHING* being
implemented in today's commodity cpus, that wasn't pioneered (and perfected) in
CDC processors (and others) *TWO DECADES AGO*.
So, when you've suckled well and aren't so grouchy through humger, and have
been burped and well rested, and had your diaper changed. Perhaps then you can
go away and do a little research on what was being done on big iron 20 or more
years ago.
You almost certainly won't because kiddies like you don't have the attention
span for it. You'll probably just come back here and spout another unjustified
and unsupported load of twaddle.
C'est la vie. Bozo, cos I won't be reading it.
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