Iterating over multiple collections in parallel

Fawzi Mohamed fmohamed at
Sat Jul 5 03:25:52 PDT 2008

Iterating over many collection in parallel is very nice to have, what 
would be nice to have with a cleaner syntax for it.

Aldor had it, and since then I always missed it.
It worked like this:
Iterator/loops can be declared like this:

for a in [1,2,3]
for b in [1,0,7,3]
for i in 1..
while (b<7)
repeat {

which mean follow *all* iterators in parallel, and execute ..., when 
any iterator stop, stop everything

very clear, nice and flexible.

Other syntaxes look like a kludge with respect to it.

Python for example has generators/iterators, and builds derived 
iterators one on the top of the other

for a in [1,2,3]
for i in 0..
repeat { ... }

for i,a in enumerate([1,2,3].iterator()):

C++ iterators can be used in parallel, because all the difficulty of 
keeping the current position is moved to the iterator writer, but the 
syntax is just plain ugly and writing efficient iterators for complex 
structures can be painful.

Anyway leaving away that syntax, in D without changes one can already 
have a reasonable syntax (even if not as nice).
Using fibers, as in the nice example of downs it should also be 
possible to convert automatically an opApply in a generator, so 
technically it should be feasible, even if 500 cycles per conetext 
switch, might be too much for some applications (tight loops).
So in D one could have a something workable

where collectLoop is a variadic template function that converts opApply 
to a generator and returns an object having a opApply that loops in 
Implementation of it is left as exercice to the reader ;-)


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