Wish: Variable Not Used Warning
Era Scarecrow
rtcvb32 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 10 10:10:49 PDT 2008
> In "C++'ish" / D way, this is normally dealt
> like this:
> int isPrime(int number, int[] /*primesList*/)
> {
> //int cnt;
> return 0;
> }
> Hard & ugly? I think warnings are not meant to be used
> to remember you
> that you have something unfinished. I regularly tag those
> parts with "//
> todo", which is easily grep'd from code.
Maybe in that instance no it isn't hard or ugly. However if i had continued and partially implimented, you need it enabled, but enabled doesn't help much since you can't get to it.
//returns true/flase if a prime.
bool isPrime(int number, int[] primesList)
int cnt;
bool prime = true;
primesList = null; //disable for now. When fully implimented, remove
if (primesList) //gives an error since it never executes, but logic is there.
foreach (pnum; primesList)
//finish later
for (cnt = 2; cnt < number; cnt++)
if (number % cnt == 0)
return prime;
Being partially implimented, i don't really want to comment out large areas of my code, since i want to know if i wrote it wrong, or right. I'll in the middle of my project, make sure all my block openings/closings are good, and then compile the code, which i will never run but instead i use the errors and warnings to find certain bugs and simple problems earlier, rather then do an entire file and then trace all the bugs all at once.
Or am i doing it wrong?
> It is not about consuming memory, it's about compiling
> code that won't
> work. It is not about making intentionally dead code,
> it's about
> accidentally having dead code.
Agreed. truely dead code should reply an error.
> Because syntactic salts and more pedantic checkings save a
> lots of
> debugging time.
> > It was these very things that kept me from learning
> C++, because it was
> > too hard for me to grasp because it was ugly, and i
> don't want to make
> > something ugly.
> Warnings & checkings does not make C++ ugly :)
No, i mean the :: operator, and other details in the language. Sorry for the confusion there.
> Constant conditionals:
> > const DEBUG = 0;
> >
> > ..
> >
> > if (DEBUG) {
> > //put debugging information
> > }
> 1) Use static if?
Still learning D, i've seen references of static if's but i haven't read enough on it yet.
> 2) Anyway, it is not constant conditional in that way that
> it is normally
> warned - you have intentionally set the value so, and thus
> the compiler
> could optimize the dead code away without problem. Normally
> it is warned,
> if you have an expression:
> for(...; (a + b) < 8; ...) { ... }
> ...if the compiler recognizes, that the condition cannot
> never be
> anything else than true or false, do you think it is
> intentional?
if it was truely intentional, then wouldn't you do..?
for (;;){}
if it wasn't intentional, then you were trying to actually check for something.
> > while(1) //always true
> > {
> > if (someCondition){
> > break;
> > }
> > }
> The same hold here; "while(true)",
> "for(;;)" are intentionally written to
> be infinite loops. I regularly define in C/C++:
those are truely intentional, a contition should actually have a chance to change and be true/false at different steps, correct?
> #define forever for(;;)
> I really don't mean, that the "warning
> system" should be something like
> "code smelling analyzing" for refactoring, but I
> think that most of those
> basic things could easily be catched at compile time (w/
> warnings)
> without any negative side effects.
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