Wish: Variable Not Used Warning
Nick Sabalausky
a at a.a
Thu Jul 10 17:28:53 PDT 2008
"Markus Koskimies" <markus at reaaliaika.net> wrote in message
news:g55u4d$1h9i$18 at digitalmars.com...
> On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:20:54 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> About that "warnings as errors"; for me the reason for that behavior is
> that I usually include executing the code to the command line when coding
> (and use up arrow to rerun it, if the compiler didn't accept my code):
> $ make && ./myProgram
> If the compiler does not stop for warnings, I'd need some sort of build
> log to examine the warnings after execution. But if the compiler returns
> error value (like -1) when meeting warnings, the program was not executed
> and I can easily examine the reasons.
> This same happens of course with IDEs, when using "Run" instead of first
> compiling/building the software.
>> Also, while I
>> can't confirm or deny this at the moment, someone here said that -w
>> compiles currently halt at the first warning.
> No, it shows all warnings it generates. But IMO it does not generate
> enough warnings.
I suppose I should point out that I have nothing against treating warnings
as errors, per se. I just think it should be optional and not forced by the
compiler to be either "always treated as errors and there's nothing you can
do about it" or "never treated as errors and there's nothing you can do
about it"
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