Compiling DMD parser?
davidl at
Sun Jul 13 21:31:39 PDT 2008
在 Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:07:00 +0800,Markus Koskimies
<markus at> 写道:
> On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 11:26:13 +0800, davidl wrote:
>> actually dparser is not 1.014 anymore. it's somewhat 1.024ish the
>> parsing ability has been improved a lot, it can parse itself, and some
>> ctfes.
>> 700 or so cases from dstress fail.
> :o
> I fetched the sources (I tried to select the latest ones), and attached
> that DParser to my own code. I copied the set-ups from
> trunk/d1.0/dparser/
> dmd/main.d, and do parsing and semantic passes 1 to 3 to build the parsed
> tree.
> Problems:
> - Parser segfaults, if it parses std.stdio
> - I'm trying to write a tree walker; I have walk(X) functions for
> different types of elements (Module, FuncDeclaration,
> DeclStatement, ...). But I have hard times to determine the types of
> statements, since Statement class contains only a few "isXXXX()"
> functions. I tried to use typeid(typeof(s)), but it returns - as you may
> guess - always the type that was declared in the function arguments.
> ---
> I use DMD1.030, and I have those 1.030 phobos sources.
> I'll try to figure out how to extract that statement type information
> from parse tree, and could wait for newer versions of DParser.
> At the same time I'll try to get dil compiled; although dil does not
> generate code, it might still be a suitable platform to write a software
> to generate some common warnings (just for my personal use, I'm not
> intended to start to write "dlint"). Unfortunately it means that I need
> to figure out how those DSSS & Tango things work :)
err, i didn't maintain the trunk/d1.0/dparser/dmd/main.d
and surely the d2.0 branch also not maintained at the moment.
use d1.0/test_dparser
It shouldn't segfault. std.stdio has been parsed a lot of times here :)
It's a good start from there I think
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