Wish: Variable Not Used Warning

Jussi Jumppanen jussij at zeusedit.com
Mon Jul 28 17:15:34 PDT 2008

Robert Fraser Wrote:

> It might take 5 seconds if you click "go to definition" and 
> it has to open a new file, but that's vs 2 minutes of searching 
> for an import, finding the file location, and using find to get 
> to the definition in that file.

When you're accustomed to load times of less than 1 second, 5 
seconds can feel like an eternity.

> If you've been using ed to write code for the last 30 years, the 
> mental concept of using your $2000 computer to its full potential 

Ed was not the text editor I was referring to. 

> to help you write software is mind-boggling. 

If I had been referring to Ed or Notepad then I would agree 
with you. 

> just can't deal with a 1-minute startup time for a product you're 
> going to be using for 8 hours, well all the more power to ya; no 
> amount of productivity gains could make you willing to switch.

You've hit the nail right on the head.  

When you're expecting a sub second response times, having to put 
up with minute/second delays is rather off putting, to the point
of being counter productive.

> I'm not saying "more complex is always better," but why let all 
> that processing power go to waste?

But all that power is not going to waste. All that processing power 
lets the computer respond at an amazingly fast speed. It responds 
so fast it feels like it is not even there. 

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