Ref (was Re: inlining)

BCS ao at
Tue Jul 29 14:47:41 PDT 2008

Reply to Chris,

> superdan wrote:
>> Chris R. Miller Wrote:
>>> Well if you're ______ity _____ cussing all the _____ time it makes
>>> your _______ing messages so much _______ing longer it takes so
>>> ______ing long to _______ing read them that I just _____ing ignore
>>> them.
>> did you mean "your"?
> No, my grammar was correct.  You're = you are (contraction), your =
> you (possessive).
> Perhaps you'd like to go play the part of a Grammar Nazi with the
> other guys on ?

to give him /some/ credit: I think, depending on what ______ and _____ is 
used, "your" and "you're" may both be correct. But who the _____* cares!

* I can see it now, this thread will end in a post with nothing but _s and 
' 's.

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