keks (Jan Winkelmann)
keks at
Wed Jul 30 07:00:18 PDT 2008
Dejan Lekic schrieb:
> Brad, I have my own server for hosting open-source projects, open for almost
> anything. Thanks for Your offer. :) All my projects are there, and my
> friends' projects as well. :)
> With dfcgi (that is the name of the project) you'll be able to write
> web-applications in easy, elegant way.
> After dfcgi i will go to the next step - XHTML templating and development of
> some nice, flexible web app. framework.
> Kind regards
> Dejan Lekic
Hey, I'll just grab the old thread out again.
I am interested in FastCGI, too and would like to know the project's
status. I checked out but couldn't find anything
concerning FastCGI. Did you dump the project or just don't host it
anymore? do you still have the src? First I was about to learn FastCGI
with C++, but then I heard about D as the C++ without the "yikes".
Or does anyone else still have the lib?
Best regards,
keks || Jan Winkelmann
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