[~ot] why is programming so fun?
user at domain.invalid
user at domain.invalid
Wed Jun 4 15:21:35 PDT 2008
boyd wrote:
>> Side A: I belive X
>> Side B: I belive not X
>> Side A: please prove X
>> Side B: I can't, but prove not X
>> Side A: I can't
Well said.
> As for me, I've never really believed in god. But I've always kept in
> mind that my belief might not be the truth, so I do sometimes wonder
> what would a god want me to do. Can I trust what's in the Bible, the
> Torah, the Koran, etc... when each is claimed to be the word of god? In
> the end it seems all these books are mostly about moral values; being a
> good person. So, that's what I try to do.
To do that you do not need any of these religious frameworks, only the
Golden Rule. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethic_of_reciprocity for
much more info.
The Golden rule has probably been hardwired into us by evolution. It is
much like the "tit for tat" strategy (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tit_for_tat) and would have been selected
by eons of trial runs.
Dennis Cote
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