Bool type - can't it be zero / nonzero?
Jarrett Billingsley
kb3ctd2 at
Sun Jun 8 10:47:32 PDT 2008
"Chris Wright" <dhasenan at> wrote in message
news:g2gp5a$n1m$1 at
> celopmuh wrote:
>> From what I gathered, the inconsistency in using bool/int types is for
>> the sake of optimization, and int logical values work faster mainly
>> because they're 0 / non-0, not 0/1 (so that you can use simple
>> subtraction to compare things).
> The inconsistency is a compiler-specific optimization: dmd, I believe,
> generates slow code for dealing with bools, so Walter made Object.opEquals
> return an int.
This "tool issues drive the spec" kind of worries me. This is not the only
instance. D limits the size of single blocks of data in the static data
segment to 16MB with the rationale that "anything bigger should really be on
the heap." The truth seems to be that OPTLINK simply crashes or does
something equally horrible if there is a piece of data more than 16MB in the
static data segment. Coincidence?
I'm worried what's next. "D does not permit variadic templates whose
mangled names would be longer than 4096 characters"?
Now some things are understandable. Working on my own implementation of a
language it's become clear that some features are simply unworkable because
of inherent limitations of the environment in which the implementation is
written. But this should not have any bearing on the spec, only a note in
the implementation notes saying that it _almost_ follows the spec but
doesn't in this area because of some restriction.
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