Shouldn't private methods be virtual too?
Jarrett Billingsley
kb3ctd2 at
Tue Jun 10 06:06:37 PDT 2008
"Michel Fortin" <michel.fortin at> wrote in message
news:g2lnj9$1ig9$1 at
> The following example prints "" (using GDC 0.24), even though we
> have a Derived object and Derived's foo is declared as overriding Base's.
> Is that expected behaviour?
> module test.privatevirtualfunction;
> class Base {
> private void foo() { writefln(""); }
> }
> class Derived : Base {
> override private void foo() { writefln(""); }
> }
> int main(char[][] args) {
> Base base = new Derived;
> return 0;
> }
> I understand that private currently makes the method non-virtual. I think
> this would be fine with the C++ private concept where it limits the
> member's usage to the current class, but I believe in D, where private
> only limits usage to the current module, you should be able to override
> that method in any class defined in the same module. If that's not the
> case, then you should at the very least get an error with the above code.
I would expect an error too. In most languages with this kind of protection
scheme, overriding a base class method with a method that is more protected
is an error. It is in Java:
class Fark
public void foo()
public class Bark extends Fark
protected void foo()
Gives the error "foo() in Bark cannot override foo() in Fark; attempting to
assign weaker access privileges; was public." And if my memory serves me,
C# works the same way.
Private methods should always be final. They cannot be overridden by
derived classes, even if they can be accessed by classes in the same module.
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