More embarrassing microbenchmars for D's GC.

Leandro Lucarella llucax at
Wed Jun 11 09:35:33 PDT 2008

Marius Muja, el 10 de junio a las 21:38 me escribiste:
> Leandro Lucarella wrote:
> >Considering that the version with GC disabled is almost as fast as the
> >malloc version, and that the time grows exponentially (graph attached)
> >with the number of nodes, it looks like the problem is the GC
> >collection cycles to me. Is the GC algorithm exponential?
> The graph may look exponential but that's often misleading (it may very well be 
> a polynomial). To tell for sure plot the data on a graph with a logarithmic Y 
> axis and then on a graph with both axes logarithmic. If the plot is a straight 
> line on the semilogy graph then it's exponential. If it's a straight line on the 
> loglog graph then it's polinomial.

You and Sean are right, the graph somewhere in between linear and
exponential, but is really far from linear, which I think is the worst
case in GC algorithms...

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo:
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