Adding D Editor Support
John A. De Goes
john.withoutspam. at
Thu Jun 12 20:21:43 PDT 2008
Thanks for the friendly reply. Looks like I caught people on a bad day. :-)
I have identified all the basic constructs, but wonder if I may be missing some things. For example, in Java, the following idioms are quite common (the first two, in concurrent programming):
synchronized (object) {
synchronized (object) {
while (!condition) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
These among many others. But I lack the familiarity with D to make such judgements. I was hoping regular D programmers had some oft-used favorites they could throw in.
Georg Wrede Wrote:
> John A. De Goes wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We're adding support for the D language to UNA
> > ( The Personal Edition has been released free
> > of charge (down from $100).
> >
> > However, none of us have used D so we'd like a bit of help.
> >
> > We've added support (in dev version) to matching messages of the
> > form:
> >
> > foo.d(5): Warning: silly variable name foo.d(5): Error: spelling
> > error in variable name "foobir"
> >
> > Assuming this is correct, we'd like to proceed with adding commonly
> > used source code constructs, D idioms, and so forth. We call this
> > 'source snippets'. Each source snippet has a few letter textual key.
> > Typing that key and invoking the source snippet button inserts the
> > snippet.
> >
> > So I'm soliciting for everyone's favorite source snippet.
> Either there's something about your company that those who've already
> posted in this thread know and don't like, or the guys simply were in a
> bad mood.
> Personally I'm glad that D support is being added by a new vendor, that
> is always welcome.
> ---
> You've already probably downloaded the DMD compiler to get the
> documentation and lists of reserved words, etc. Witht that same download
> comes a wealth of source code, from which it should be possible to
> collect the most used idioms.
> They aren't all that different from what the typical Java or C idioms
> are, so it might be enough to just have most basic construct snippets.
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