D learning curve

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 13 06:07:24 PDT 2008

"Erik Lechak" <prochak at netzero.net> wrote in message 
news:g2tf85$ig2$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Hello all,
> I just started documenting my trip down the D learning curve.  For anyone 
> that's interested or if your a newbie and don't want to repeat my mistakes 
> take a look at :
> http://www.lechak.info/wiki/index.php?title=D_Language
> If you have anything to add or can clarify anything please don't hesitate 
> to add to the wiki.
> Thanks,
> Erik Lechak

So you know, the difference between Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 is not what 
version of GDC you're using.  It's that there are currently two versions of 
D itself: D1, which came out at the beginning of 2007 and which is the only 
version GDC (whatever version it is) supports.  And D2, which is currently 
in an alpha state, which only DMD supports (but there's DMD1 as well).

The Digital Mars pages are rather biased to D2 -- almost every link leads to 
the D2 documentation, so it's understandable that you ended up at the wrong 
Phobos docs.

Also, you might already be aware but the bindings project on dsource 
(http://www.dsource.org/projects/bindings) has many bindings to common C 
libraries.  Together with BCD and Derelict, which you mentioned, most common 
C libraries have already been bound, making the somewhat desperate-sounding 
situation you posit in your wiki a little less desperate ;)

(BCD also has a lot more bindings than the wiki page suggests.  See here 
http://www.dsource.org/projects/bcd/browser/trunk/bindings/bcd for a full 

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