Adding D Editor Support

John A. De Goes john.withoutspam. at
Fri Jun 13 14:45:07 PDT 2008

Turns out the ambiguous argument types is really the only true multiline (i.e. the one error that cannot be understood just by looking at what follows the colon on the first line).


dsymbol.c:    error("Dsymbol '%s' has no size\n", toChars());
dsymbol.c:    //printf("Dsymbol::error()\n");
func.c:     error(loc, "called with argument types:\n\t(%s)\nmatches both:\n\t%s%s\nand:\n\t%s%s",
lexer.c:                    error("undefined escape hex sequence \\%c\n",c);
lexer.c:                    error("undefined escape sequence \\%c\n",c);
mars.c:     {   error("use -profile instead of -gt\n");
mars.c:     {   error("unrecognized file extension %s\n", ext);
root.c: error("Error reading file '%s'\n",name->toChars());
root.c: error("Error writing file '%s'\n",name->toChars());
root.c: error("Error appending to file '%s'\n",name->toChars());
template.c:     error("forward reference to template declaration %s\n", tempdecl->toChars());
toobj.c:                    error("%s %s is hidden in %s\n", fd->toParent()->toChars(), fd->toChars(), toChars());

Walter Bright Wrote:

> John A. De Goes wrote:
> > Without documentation on the format, the best I can do is to
> > experiment with the compiler and try to elicit all possible
> > errors/warnings. And hope they fall into a small number of consistent
> > patterns (which seems likely given that all the errors I encountered
> > so far matched the above patterns).
> > 
> > Anyone having inside knowledge of the format care to save me some
> > time here? (Walter, you listening? :-)
> No problem. comes with compiler source, just grep for calls to 
> the function "error(". No need to experiment!

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