CT Intel's new language

Alix Pexton _a_l_i_x_._p_e_x_t_o_n_ at _g_m_a_i_l_._c_o_m_
Sat Jun 14 06:53:48 PDT 2008

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "janderson" <askme at me.com> wrote in message 
> news:g2vdg7$2uls$1 at digitalmars.com...
>> Basically CT is C+++ which allows developers to write multicore code like 
>> they where programming for a single core.
>> http://www.informationweek.com/news/software/development/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=208403616
>> -Joel
> Another new natively-compiled C++ alternative? The cynic in me is tempted to 
> say, "Watch that end up stealing all of D's potential user-base just because 
> it has the backing of a major corporation."
> But really, it'll be interesting to see how it pans out. And what exactly 
> that "new 5%" is. 
Maybe this article will help?


I read about 5% before it went over my head ^^


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