
Charles Hixson charleshixsn at
Sat Jun 14 13:12:52 PDT 2008

On Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:26:43 -0300, Juan Jose Comellas wrote:

> ...
> renoX wrote:
>> janderson a écrit :
>>> A friend at work pointed out this article to me:
>>> -Joel
>> Very interesting, thanks.
>> Also, I disagree about the 'ease' of learning Erlang: Erlang has an
>> alien syntax (which I don't like much) and an alien way of doing things
>> (single assignment) which is not so easy for developers.. IMHO
>> developers learn Erlang because it's good at distributed programming
>> not because of the language itself whereas Scala has a really nice
>> syntax (better than D's), but it's not as good as distributed
>> programming some criticism in the article where interesting
>> (cooperative scheduling)..
>> renoX

Isn't Erlang extremely slow, though?  The comparisons I seen all place it 
several times slower than, say, Ruby at the same task.  (Granted the 
tasks were chosen to compare languages that are largely single stream of 
execution.  I'm thinking of places like

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