D learning curve

Charles Hixson charleshixsn at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 14 14:06:35 PDT 2008

On Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:18:00 +0200, Lutger wrote:

> Sascha Katzner wrote:
>> Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
>>>..You could look at the library code and projects at dsource that is 
> written. Most projects and almost every big project uses Tango. That is
> maybe even more important than the number of users.

Which is[was?] a real problem as, for me at least, tango keeps breaking 
with each new release of D.  And I didn't find DSSS to be all that 
workable either.  DMD works fine, and so does Phobos.  Tango was unending 
problems.  And I frequently switch to DMD2 for a new release (and 
sometimes switch back to DMD), so Tango isn't even consistently an option.

Perhaps some of the problems of which I'm complaining have been fixed.  I 
last checked over 6 months ago.  But I'm not real inspired to try it out 
again, either.  If I wanted to spend all my time fighting with my 
computer I'd install Gentoo.

The upshot is that if a project requires Tango, I generally assume that 
if I try to use it I'll end up spending all my time in compilation and 
configuration, and figuring out why what I tried didn't work.  I don't 
know what configurations the Tango people expect a system to have, but 
mine doesn't have them.  Once I tried setting up a special user who only 
executed DMD1.x (forget which version) with Tango.  After 3-4 days I gave 
that up as a bad job.  I didn't even know why it wasn't working.

OTOH, I've got to admit that many people seem to really like Tango.  And 
I have no clue as to what the differences between our systems are.  
(Though there's probably typically so many differences that even that 
wouldn't help much.)

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