Functions with package protection

Jacob Carlborg doobnet at
Sat Jun 21 06:47:01 PDT 2008

Frank Benoit wrote:
> Jacob Carlborg schrieb:
>> In the D documentation at 
>> it says the following: 
>> "All non-static non-private non-template member functions are 
>> virtual", but this seems not to be the case. What I've heard and as 
>> the following example shows functions declared as package are 
>> non-virtual.
>> module main;
>> import;
>> class A
>> {
>>     package void foo ()
>>     {
>>         Stdout("A").newline;
>>     }
>> }
>> class B : A
>> {
>>     package void foo ()
>>     {
>>         Stdout("B").newline;
>>     }
>> }
>> void main ()
>> {
>>     A a = new B;
>> }
>> This will print "A", but according to the documentation package is 
>> virtual and therefore this should print "B" but doesn't. Either the 
>> documentation is wrong or the compiler.
>> Compiled with GDC on OSX, I think it will give the same result with 
>> dmd also.
> Unfortunately on 
> it is said:
> "Package extends private so that package members can be accessed from 
> code in other modules that are in the same package. This applies to the 
> innermost package only, if a module is in nested packages."

Yeah, but the documentation is still wrong. It's very annoying when the 
documentation is inconsistence, incomplete or just wrong. I can see why 
users unfamiliar with D have problems.

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