Spreading the word about D

Simen Haugen simen.haugen at pandavre.com
Sun Jun 22 06:08:21 PDT 2008

"Robert Fraser" <fraserofthenight at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:g3l8pq$2vo1$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Vincenzo Ampolo wrote:
>> ... and a real and usable IDE...
> In what ways is Decent not "real" or "usable" and how can we address this?

For me, the primary cavecat is it's speed. The editor stops for several 
seconds very often. For a reason I've never understood, it even hangs for up 
to ten seconds when copying some text to the clipboard.... But Descent is a 
very decent editor already, and I don't think its fair to say its not 
usable. I doubt I'm the only one using it for real projects. 

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