Proposal: real struct literals
Bill Baxter
dnewsgroup at
Tue Jun 24 17:40:12 PDT 2008
Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> "Bill Baxter" <dnewsgroup at> wrote in message
> news:g3rs3g$11ub$1 at
>>> They have completely different syntax and features. Static struct
>>> initializers are far more powerful: you can name members, initialize them
>>> out of order, and skip arbitrary members.
>> This is the only place where I disagree with you. Static struct
>> initializers are more powerful in the ways you list, but in other ways
>> they are less powerful. With the static opCall you can make the
>> parameters be whatever you want them to be -- they don't necessarily have
>> to correspond to an actual member of the struct. And you can also put
>> arbitrary extra construction logic inside a static opCall.
> I'm proposing them precisely because I _don't_ like that currently struct
> literals and struct constructions overlap syntactically ;) I was thinking
> that struct literals would not be interceptible, they would be like integer
> or string literals. And if you want struct construction, use.. the
> constructor (and whatever syntax that implies).
Ok. Yeh, I can see some benefit in that too. A POL, Plain Old Literal,
to go with your POD, Plain Old Data.
> But you do bring up a good point with not being able to distinguish static
> opCall vs. construction. Still, then you have the reverse problem of what
> we have now -- S{1, 2, 3}, while not looking like a function call, actually
> might be! :\
I suppose D structs could just do without a static opCall. Actually I
think the only real problem is that right now "aninstance()" could be a
call to either "void static opCall()" or "void opCall()" when both are
defined, and so the compiler gives a conflict message. But if instead
of static opCall you had a "constructor" then it wouldn't be considered
a candidate for a call like "aninstance()".
So hopefully that is basically what Walter has planned for the struct
>> Yeh, then maybe you could even extend that to the declaration of the
>> function too with an anonymous struct as the parameter:
>> void memcopy(struct{void *src, void *dest, size_t num});
> I seem to remember you being interested in this idea before ;)
Oh, yeh. No wonder it seemed to resonate. :-)
>> Seems possible, though not necessarily easy for Mr. Compiler Writer.
>> Main problem is overloading. How do you pick the right version of memcopy
>> if there are several when presented a call like:
>> memcopy(src: a, dest: b, num: a.length);
> Tricky, but I'm sure that some (reasonable) constraints could be put on this
> type of function to make it easier to disambiguate.
One thing that's lacking is that you wouldn't be able to tell which
named parameters were set vs which not set.
> Failing using structs as named parameters, there's certainly nothing
> stopping the compiler from allowing named parameters with functions as they
> are now. They have the names right there :P
Except 36 years of experience with C and C++ that makes people expect
that the names of formal parameters don't matter. I think the only way
to make such a big change palatable at this point is to require some
special syntax to use it.
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