Compiler says it does something that it does not do

Gregor Richards Richards at
Mon Mar 3 13:01:17 PST 2008

BCS wrote:
> Reply to Gregor,
>> Ty Tower wrote:
>>> Now I will just approach this vewy vewy quietly so no one
>>> misunderstands..........
>>> On a Linux machine as user tytower I issue a build command as below .
>>> Because I am logged in as user, not root I cannot write to  /usr  so
>>> the compiler says I will write to  /home/tytower/d  instead. It does
>>> not in fact do this as no directory /home/tytower/d exists or is
>>> created ,Even if I create this directory it is not used. It actually
>>> write to the current directory which in this case is the same as the
>>> directory the program is in.
>>> [tytower at linuxbox MyStuff]$ dsss build -D maintry.d Default prefix
>>> /usr is unwritable, using /home/tytower/d instead.
>>> Now what I am suggesting is that the message out from the compiler is
>>> ....wait for it ...wrong. Not that it worries me or there is more I
>>> don't understand , but merely to tell someone there that this exits
>>> and is ....wrong.
>> This is not a bug. You didn't install anything, so it didn't actually
>> need to use the prefix.
> So the message is with regards to installing only, not for building docs 
> or general building?
>> - Gregor Richards

Yeah. DSSS does the same basic configuration regardless of which process 
it's doing, so it would be fairly difficult to suppress this message if 
you weren't installing.

That said, right now I'm doing some rearchitecting and this should 
probably be fixed there. Maybe :)

  - Gregor Richards

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