unittest and WinMain

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 13:28:36 PST 2008

Robert Fraser wrote:
> ElfQT wrote:
>> How can I run the unittest part in the code below?
>> I've tried several ways, but ni succes.
>> dmd -unittest tangoUnitTest.d
>> (I use "tango-0.99.4-bin-win32-dmd.1.024.zip".)
>> import tango.sys.win32.UserGdi;
>> extern (C) void rt_init( void delegate(Exception) dg = null );
>> extern (C) void rt_term( void delegate(Exception) dg = null );
>> extern (Windows)
>> int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
>>             HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
>>             LPSTR lpCmdLine,
>>             int nCmdShow)
>> {
>>     rt_init();
>>     rt_term();
>>     return 0;
>> }
>> unittest
>> {
>>     assert(1==2);
>> }
>> ElfQT
> Method 1:
> ---------
> extern(C) _moduleUnitTests();
> BOOL WinMain(...) {
>     _moduleUnitTests();
> }
> Method 2:
> ---------
> http://flectioned.kuehne.cn/#unittest
> Or my own:
> http://www.dsource.org/projects/descent/browser/trunk/descent.unittest/flute/src/org/dsource/descent/unittests/flute.d 
> These run the unit tests from within a static this() block, which 
> hopefully runs before WinMain() (if not, you'll have to manually call 
> _minit() and _moduleCtor(), but you'd probably need that anyway), and 
> don't stop as soon as a test fails.

Oops, spoke too soon. You do indeed need to call those, as well as 
initialize the GC:


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