std.algorithm - notes

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Wed Mar 5 08:57:23 PST 2008

bearophile wrote:
> Bill Baxter:
>> Now you've lost me.  You're telling Andrei he should write a library 
>> using features that don't exist in D?
> You are right, that post of mine was a mixed bag. That comment wasn't for Andrei, it was just a note: I think that a list comp can avoid you to create map/filter/xmap/xfilter, and you can improve code readability, etc. So it was mostly a note for the D developers :-)
> Sometimes you look at the language, and you see something that's better if moved into a standard library (complex numbers?), and other times you look at the standard library and you see things that are better removed from the std lib (Python list comprehensions). Similar things happen to the std lib modules, they can be removed or added according to their usage, etc. becoming third-part modules, or official std lib modules.They are dynamic equilibriums.

Ok.  Yeh, list comprehensions would be nice to have.


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