std.algorithm - notes
bearophileHUGS at
Thu Mar 6 15:05:46 PST 2008
> I disagree. D is a straightforward language. Adding python list
> generation adds a big 'special case' scenario. Wrapping a for loop inside
> square brackets? Hmm I don't think that's better than using map/filter.
For more of your amusement, the following is a little Python program coming from here:
That refers to the last pages of this document:
My Python version:
def inverter(n):
n2txt = "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine".split()
txt2n = dict((digit, str(i)) for i, digit in enumerate(n2txt))
if isinstance(n, basestring):
return int("".join(txt2n[p] for p in n.split()))
return " ".join(n2txt[int(d)] for d in str(n))
print inverter(752) # prints: seven five two
print inverter("seven five two") # prints 752
My (working) D translation (with my d libs):
import std.string, d.func, std.conv, d.string;
template Inverse(T) {
static if(IsType!(T, byte, ubyte, int, uint, long, ulong))
alias string Inverse;
alias long Inverse;
Inverse!(T) inverter(T)(T n) {
auto n2txt = "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine".split();
auto txt2n = dict(zip(n2txt, map(&format, xrange(10)) ));
static if(IsType!(T, byte, ubyte, int, uint, long, ulong))
return map((char d){return n2txt[toInt(d~"")];}, str(n)).join(' ');
return toInt(map((string p){return str(txt2n[p]);}, n.split()).joinArr());
void main() {
putr(inverter("seven five two"));
As you can see the D version uses map() and various anonymous functions that clutter code making it not much readable, despite those many helpers. In the end I am probably not going to use such D code, while in Python that code despite being a bit slow is almost acceptable.
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