
Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Thu Mar 6 17:17:38 PST 2008

Dan wrote:
> Jascha Wetzel Wrote:
>> Dan wrote:
>>> I would probably take up renewed interest in D if it supported the x86-64 - both from D source and inline assembler.  The x86-32 is obsolete.
>>> At that point, my only major gripe would be that hello world takes up 80kb.
>> GDC supports x86-64, i'm using it on a daily basis.
>> The large-executable-discussion has popped up repeatedly. If you're 
>> interested in the results, you can search the NG.
> Yeah.  It pops up repeatedly, and still they never fix it.  It ultimately boils down to them including everything 
> -=[ even when it's not used ]=-
> What use does printf("hello world"); have for the GC?  
> Why does it need to have the entirety of phobos instead of just those things that printf() uses?
> It's even getting compiled in for extern(C) main() when you're not even using _moduleInit() and such.
> That extra 80kb of unremoveable heft is now the only reason sufficient to prevent me from using D.  I can probably write my entire program in < 100kb in assembler (with huge amounts of time and dedication)

Are you doing cell phone development or something?

I think the reason it isn't getting fixed is because it's not a priority 
with a lot of people.  Small exe's would be great, but it's right there 
real close to the bottom of the list for me.  It doesn't prevent me from 
doing anything I want to do.

Of course if you want to do cell phone / embedded dev, then it could 
very well be preventing you.  But there's kind of a viscious circle 
going there.  Hardly any embedded developers use D because the exes are 
so big.  D's exes remain so big because there are hardly any active D 
developers who need it.

That plus it I think it's not easy to fix.  Especially not in OPTLINK.


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