Who favors the current D1 situation?
Jarrett Billingsley
kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 6 21:50:43 PST 2008
"Bill Baxter" <dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com> wrote in message
news:fqq8ps$g0r$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Currently as we all know, D1 gets no new features, and D2 is a crazy
> rocketship that could change direction at any moment.
> Now I know a lot of people were asking for D to become more stable pre D1
> days, but is this really what you wanted?
> I had initially assumed that the freeze on D1 was at least as much due to
> time constraints on Walter as it was due to a desire for stability. But in
> a recent message Walter said that wasn't the case. He said that
> backporting things from D2 to D1 was pretty trivial.
> So really then, it to comes down to Walter believing that the D community
> wants D1 to be feature frozen.
> Is it really true? Is there a group of folks who really want D1 to be
> frozen?
> I myself would like to see D1 get all new features that won't break
> existing source code.
> Things like:
> * New string literals
> - q{a=b} D-token string syntax,
> - delimited strings, q"(...)"
> - heredocs, q"EOF...
> * IFTI that works even if you specify one parameter,
> * Enhanced is expression
> - is ( Type Identifier : TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList )
> - is ( Type Identifier == TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList )
> * foreach(i; 0..10) syntax (ForeachRangeLiteral)
> * Overload sets
> I'm all with the sentiment that D1 code that compiles today should compile
> tomorrow. That kind of stability is great. But if it's not a big time
> commitment for Walter (which he says it's not), I see no good reason to
> keep new backwards-compatible features out of D1.
> I've heard other folks saying they want this from D1 too, but what I
> haven't heard is a great swell of active D developers saying that new
> features would be a detriment to their work.
I'd like a lot of the new D2 features (__traits, a lot of the new
compile-time stuff like template enhancements, foreach(i; 0 .. 10)) but at
the same time I don't feel like DMDFE is mature enough to offer me a stable,
bug-free implementation of many of these features. Furthermore I'm not
entirely sold on const and until that _actually_ gets sorted I'd like to
stay away from D2. God only knows how long _that_ will take. A D1 +
extras version of the compiler would be nice but that seems like a special
provision that would only make it harder for compiler implementors and
library users to conform to.
I'll be contributing to Dil as much as I can over the rest of the semester
and the summer break, undoubtedly also contributing to the D2 side of
development, but I can't promise that I'll be switching to D2 any time soon.
Before D1 came out, I really didn't have a choice as to which version of D
to use, but now that D1 has been partially (mostly) stabilized, I'd rather
stick to it than to the ever-changing D2.
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