[OT] Would it be OK to post a job ad?

Ty Tower tytower at hotmail.com.au
Fri Mar 7 17:25:46 PST 2008

BCS Wrote:

> Reply to ty,
> > BCS Wrote:
> > Clown-not necessary and not your business
> I was and am totally serious.
Well I see you are , but look, 90% of everything we do in life is sexually driven whether you want to admit it or not. Whether you are conscious of it or not. Where does this sort of wowser comment stop?

If you want to live in a concrete box in a concrete jungle thats your choice and I respect that. When you also want to start policing me its a different matter. Go join the police force if thats what gets you off.

You lose sight of the fact that our only real purpose on this earth is to reproduce our genes . Think about it . Apart from what we do to amuse ourselves inbetween there isn't anything else

So don't police me and keep such statements to yourself .
I also agree not to try to tell you what not to do  OK?

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