
Ty Tower tytower at
Thu Mar 13 02:52:53 PDT 2008

Kris Wrote:

> 5) I've witnessed you make two calls for forum moderation. Most recently, I 
> believe the call was with regard to Ty Tower? You do realize, I hope, that 
> moderation takes many forms, and that perhaps some of your posts warrant 
> moderation also? Certainly, the death-threats and Nazi-style propoganda 
> eminating from Mr Tower is of a rather different nature, yet moderation is 
> still moderation. Pot calling the kettle black seems like double-standard #5

Err Death threats?  I said" if I had my way I would shoot you". Bit of difference to a death threat if you think about it . Kinda convenient for your tirade though heh? 

And Nazi style propaganda ! You exagerate grossly when it suits .

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