XML Benchmarks in D
ao at pathlink.com
Thu Mar 13 19:38:47 PDT 2008
Reply to kris,
> BCS Wrote:
>> what might be interesting is to make a version that works with slices
>> of the file rather than ram. (make the current version into a
>> template specialized on char[] and the new one on some new type?)
>> That way only the parsed meta data needs to stay in ram. It would
>> take a lot of games mapping stuff in and out of ram but it would be
>> interesting to see if it could be done.
> It would be interesting, but isn't that kinda what memory-mapped files
> provides for? You can operate with files up to 4GB in size (on a 32bit
> system), even with DOM, where the slices are virtual addresses within
> paged file-blocks. Effectively, each paged segment of the file is a
> lower-level slice?
Not as I understand it (I looked this up about a year ago so I'm a bit rusty).
on 32bits, you can't map in 4GB because you need space for the programs code
(and on windows you only get 3GB of address space as the OS gets that last
GB) Also what about a 10GB file? My idea is to make some sort of lib that
lest you handle larges data sets (64bit?) You would ask for a file to be
"mapped in" and then you would get an object that syntactically looks like
an array. Indexes ops would actually map in pieces, slices would generate
new objects (with ref to the parent) that would, on demand, map stuff in.
Some sort of GCish thing would start un mapping/moving stings when space
gets tight. If you never have to actual convert the data to a "real" array
you don't ever need to copy the stuff, you can just leave it in the file.
I'm not sure it's even possible or how it would work, but it would be cool.
(and highly useful)
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