DMD Linux Question

Justin Greenwood jgreenwood37 at
Fri Mar 14 12:06:06 PDT 2008

Thankyou so much. First, I typed "ldd dmd" and it listed the shared 
libraries needed (and the ones that were missing). After which I added 
the two lines below to my ".bash_profile":
Of course I had to get the correct rpm, extract the .so files out of it, 
and then push them into the lib folder in my home/lib folder.

It's great to be able to use the compiler in a hosted environment. Now I 
can focus on the code again!


Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 01:51:38PM -0400, Justin Greenwood wrote:
>> Do you linux wizards know any way I can run dmd with the needed shared 
>> libraries in my user account directory? Maybe referencing the shared 
>> libraries "~/lib64/" by adding the path to some 
>> environment variable or command line argument or something?
> Maybe:
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib64/ ./dmd [args...]
> I'm not sure if that will work for this, but setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> environment variable lets you add more paths to search for shared libs.
>> I really appreciate your help,
>> Justin

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