"D" annoyances

Ty Tower tytower at hotmail.com.au
Sat Mar 15 05:00:37 PDT 2008

David Wilson Wrote:

> As the only non-contributing, continuously abusive person in the
> community, wouldn't the dickhead here be you? You can feel free to
> ignore others' pleas to calm down, but be aware that in the end the
> only person you're hurting is yourself. Particularly, you may find it
> appealing to tear your own hair out when it comes time to look for a
> job when you grow up, as your prospective employer finds some of these
> posts on Google. But you won't understand that either, people like you
> are only capable of learning by bashing their own heads against the
> wall.
> Good luck,
> David.

You are an assuming fool. I am contributing whether you reallise it or not . I assure you I am calm and considerate until someone throws abuse at me or trys to tell me what to do.
Then I will tell you and all others who act like you to go fuck yourself. 

I am not likely to need a job . I do not need money and I have no need to be Mr Personality. I am here to learn and will do so despite any cry of outrage from the likes of you.  I also have no need of luck . If the whim takes me I could come look you up tomorrow. No problem. 

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