GC BUG: Referenced object destroyed before released

Koroskin Denis 2korden at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 06:45:14 PDT 2008

Hello, community!
Consider the following code:

// For those who prefer alternative reality ;)
version(Tango) extern(C) void printf(char[] s, ...);

class Resource
     private char[] data;
     private bool released;

         this.data = null;
         this.released = false;

         printf("Resource destroyed\n");

     void release()
         released = true;

class Owner
     private Resource res;

     this(Resource res) {
         this.res = res;

         printf("Owner destroyed\n");

int main()
     Resource res = new Resource();
     Owner owner = new Owner(res);

     printf("Main exit\n");
     return 0;

In this code we don't explicitly destroy anything, so GC chooses the order  
of object destruction. And it chooses wrong.

"Phobos hack" shows the following stack trace upon exit:

Main exit
Resource destroyed
Unhandled win32 exception!
Error: Access Violation (object.Exception)
  00402087 void crash.Owner._dtor() (+f) crash.d:35
  0040262a _d_callfinalizer (+46)
  004025dd void std.gc.new_finalizer(void*, bool) (+9)
  004066c3 void gcx.GC.fullCollectNoStack() (+3b)
  0040226f gc_term (+b)
  00415b6d mainCRTStartup (+a9)
  7c816d4f ???

or without it:

Main exit
Resource destroyed
Error: Access Violation

or with Tango:

object.Exception: Access Violation
tango.core.Exception.FinalizeException: An exception was thrown while  
finalizing an instance of class crash.Resource

object.Exception: Access Violation

Was there any bug report filled on this bug? It's very annoying, since it  
makes your program not reliable in runtime. At least, if it was a  
compilation bug, and I managed to bypass it, I would be assured, that the  
resulted program whould behave predictable. Yet, it is not...

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