request for moderation
anonymous at
Sun Mar 16 12:29:35 PDT 2008
I do use filtering but I read some of Janice answers.I got curious the same way I get curious about watching a car accident,as I said.The advice to leave worked for Andrei but not for us.I do not see how it is a joke.
John Reimer Wrote:
> anonymous wrote:
> > I use filtering.If it is perfect still I notice Andrei Alex stop posting.Soon Janice stop posting,maybe.Then who is next.
> >
> > The quote I disagree with: <<I've only seen this with Janice; they annoyed each other long in the past and have a habit of getting on each others' nerves,>> I think it is wrong to put simmetry between what Janice did and what Kris did.Janice made a mistake 6 months early.Kris is creating a personal attack, long and evil.
> >
> I was putting no symmetry (or asymmetry) between the two persons nor
> weighing out who was wronged the other more. That was not my object at
> all (and really wouldn't achieve much either). Unfortunately, that must
> not have been clear in my post?
> I was bringing up what I considered a more serious situation in this
> newsgroup in general. The particular instance you mention plays a small
> part in the whole drama... that's all.
> Either way, I think we've determined how this group prefers to handle
> this (that is: do nothing, filter and skip). Those that don't find this
> difficult to ignore can leave. For you, I, and others, that might be
> good advice. It certainly seems to have worked for Andrei. ;)
> If you do in fact use filtering, then I wonder why this was brought up
> at all? I guess the filtering didn't work?
> -JJR
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