Works on gdc/1.0
default_357-line at
Tue Mar 18 08:34:40 PDT 2008
Tobias Kieslich wrote:
> Hi,
> dmd version was 2.012 for this.
> I'm sorry if that should have gone to learn-d but it also might be a
> bug. Anyway, I'm here to to get some insight.
> Coming from scripting languages (Python, JavaScript as fnctional
> language, etc) I try to come to terms with the rules of a language like
> D.
> I tried some array concatenation the other day to figure out about when
> I can use a~=1 vs a~=[1]. Where the first strongly resambles constructs
> like a.append(1) and the latter a += [1] in python. Anyway, approaching
> multidimensional arrays I ran into an obvious issue, that I have to
> write:
> int [][] a =[[0,1],[2,3]];
> a ~= [4,5]; //fail
> a ~= [[4,5]]; //success
> because D inspects the first element of an array to determine it's type.
> Now, here it is where it gets weird. Dynamic arrays of static arrays:
> int [2][] b =[[0,1],[2,3]];
> b ~= [[4,5]]; // fail, because concatenate [2u][] with [][1u]
> b ~= [4,5]; // success but wrong result as b holds now:
> // [[0 1] [2 3] [4 5] [0 0]]
Using GDC 0.24/1.028 on 4.1.2, I get this:
gentoo-pc ~ $ cat test6.d; gdc test6.d -o test6 && ./test6
import std.stdio;
void main() {
int[2][] b = [[0,1], [2,3]];
b ~= [[4, 5]];
b ~= [6, 7];
So it's probably something that broke on the change to 2.0.
Could somebody please try to reproduce on DMD/1.0?
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