Overlapping functionality: IFTI, templates, is-expressions
Russell Lewis
webmaster at villagersonline.com
Wed Mar 19 13:43:54 PDT 2008
As you can tell from my recent posts (and bug reports), I've been
pounding on D's template mechanisms a lot recently. I'm trying to build
a parser generator using templates. I'm now starting my 3rd major
generation of the library, because I keep finding fundamental weaknesses
in each method I try.
I'm writing this post to observe, publicly, that there is *A LOT* over
overlap between functions with IFTI, template specializations, and
is-expressions. However, the overlap isn't perfect; AFAIK, none of
these 3 is a strict superset of the others. So, it looks to me like I
can't just choose one method and stick with it. I would like to
advocate for two changes to the language:
1) The 3 mechanisms should be explicitly connected. That is, 2 of them
should be defined to just be syntax sugar of the third. For instance, a
template with specializations, IMHO, should be declared (in the spec) to
be syntax sugar for one mega-template (taking a Tuple argument) where
the various alternatives are deduced using static if() and
is-expressions. The spec should, of course, exactly document how each
type of template specialization is mapped to is-expressions. Somehow,
IFTI should be likewise linked it, though I'm a little less clear how.
2) Templates *MUST* support multiple Tuples. Imagine trying to declare
a template specialization which takes a delegate (or delegate type) with
an arbitrary number of arguments, but the template also takes an
arbitrary number of other parameters. I've found ways to do it which
work for my special case, but I don't know of any way to do it in the
general case.
In truth, I have more ideas than just the two above, but the two above
would solve most of my issues.
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